

Go to and complete these 4 steps and earn 1,000 extra ᦠ points! : 

  1. Follow @lens/ossyonip on Twitter  
  2. Follow @lens/storydotfun on Twitter 
  3. Join Discord 
  4. Add 🏝️ to your Twitter name 
  5. V76Z5Y for those who want my code 
    How to Earn ᦠ Points 
    Step 1. Connect X 
    •Visit our website. 
    •Connect your X account. 
    Step 2. Engage 
    •Tag @lens/ossyonip on X and engage for a chance to earn ᦠ points 
    Step 3. Party Awaits 
    •Check your ᦠ points. 
    •Ready to participate in the party. 
    Collect 10,000 ᦠ points For Ossy Friend Role.

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